Kid Policy:
Scapegoating the Common Core
Facebook friend of mine, who regularly (and, in my opinion, justifiably)
expresses her frustration with the amount of homework her first grader has to
confront, recently expressed another frustration: the math worksheet her
daughter had for homework was not well-designed, and its intent was difficult
to decipher. Specifically, there was a word problem that didn’t seem to be
clear regarding whether the purpose was to construct a subtraction problem, an
addition problem, or identify a place value relationship. Her Facebook post was
asking for help figuring out what was expected.
didn’t take many comments before someone growled about the “Common Core” and
how it’s ruining education. Several others chimed in on this train of thought.
I have witnessed this response many times in the last few years, as parents and
educators cope with their dissatisfaction with mountains of homework,
struggling teachers, disconnected administrators, and rigid standardized
testing expectations. Inevitably, these concerns generally wind up focused on
the Common Core as the enemy. The problem, however, is that the Common Core
isn’t the problem.
indictments of the Common Core (technically, they are officially called the
“Common Core State Standards,” since
they were developed by representatives from the National Governors Association
Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School
Officers (CCSSO)) are often misguided and misinformed, and are grounded in the
belief that the federal government is, once again, interfering in our lives, telling
us what to do, and supporting private (often “charter”) schools at the expense
of public schools. This viewpoint is encouraged by journalists and pundits from
both sides of the aisle who perpetuate the notion that the Common Core creates
unrealistic and burdensome expectations on students, especially young students.
the thing, though—if you actually take the time to read any of the Common Core
standards, you will notice four specific things that seem to get lost in this
- The Common Core is not a curriculum. There are some model curricula that have been developed to provide examples of ways to implement some of the standards, but these are models only. There is no requirement that any state, district, school, or individual teacher use the model.
- The Common Core does not specify HOW to teach any specific standard. See the first point above. The Core does not, can not, and will never dictate what type of philosophy or pedagogical approach districts or teachers have to use.
- The Common Core has nothing to do with how much homework your child is assigned. See the previous two points above. The development and implementation of curriculum, homework, testing, and even recess, is determined by the state, the district, the school administrators, and (increasingly rarely), individual teachers.
- The Common Core is not required to be adopted by individual states unless the state is seeking to supersede (or circumvent) the requirements of No Child Left Behind. The Core Standards were originally conceived of, and developed by, individual states wishing to either raise the standards above what was set by NCLB, or to be granted a waiver from NCLB.
the Common Core isn’t the bogey man—it is a set of research-based standards
that simply attempts to organize basic skills and content into a practical
sequence that is intended to align and clarify the patchwork of quality
standards that has historically varied widely from state to state (follow this link for a brief, reasoned explanation of the process, or this link to go to read about “myths versus facts”). There is certainly a
compelling discussion to be had regarding the politics, adoption, and
implementation of the Common Core by individual states, and the affect that
this process has had on teachers, students, and families, but unless we make
ourselves familiar with the actual content of the Common Core documents, it is
difficult to elevate such a discussion beyond rancorous politics and
inflammatory rhetoric.
who should we direct our anger at when a seven-year old child routinely comes
home with 2 hours’ worth of poorly designed worksheets? First of all, yelling
at the teacher won’t help. Many teachers are as frustrated as parents with
current trends in classroom practice and curriculum development, which often
dictates rigidly scheduled instruction and intense pressure to standardize
teaching along with content/skill standards for children. It is also pointless
to rail at the federal government—the Common Core is not mandated or
administered by the federal government, though its implementation is, in some
cases, tied to federal guidelines.
think our anger needs to be directed at what lies at the heart of the
disempowerment of teachers, the pressure on districts and administrators to
prove their efficacy based on test results, the disregard for family
interactions, and the objectification of children as raw material—and that is
the corporatization (and monopolization) of education. To point to the most
compelling and far-reaching example of this trend: It is no coincidence that the
dominant corporation that is working toward a near monopoly throughout the
pre-K through college schooling experience, Pearson Education, has convinced
states to adopt their assessment tools; has lobbied districts and private
schools to purchase their scripted curriculum packages to teach to those tests;
has acquired several publishing divisions to develop and sell those packages
(such as Scott Foresman, Penguin, Puffin Prentice Hall, Addison Wesley, and
Silver Burdett); has reached into all facets of teacher education and
preparation to produce teachers who will be proficient at using only their
materials; and has sponsored and conducted much of the (little bit of) research
that has been done on the effectiveness of those materials.
is also important to understand that Pearson was not historically even
interested in education until the 1980s, suggesting that their current
iteration did not grow from a rich history of education experience and passion,
but simply from a desire to maximize profit by exploiting a segment of a market
that was limited until education became a viable business proposition in the
late 1990s. Even their own description of their beginnings from their website
notes their late entry into education:
“Pearson’s roots are grounded in global innovation that transforms
the landscape and stands the test of time. Our London-based company started in
1844 as a construction company building such noteworthy projects as the Sennar
Dam in Egypt and the Manhattan tunnels in NY. We turned to media in the UK in
1921 and diversified into global book publishing in 1971 and education in the
1980s, dabbling in numerous industries along the way.
Then, in 1997, everything changed. In a bold and somewhat
controversial move, Marjorie Scardino was hired as one of the first female CEOs
of a major FTSE company. The decision ushered in an even bolder aspiration: to transform education globally in order to improve people’s lives
through learning.” (
company that “dabbles” until it finds a profitable direction is not a company
that is passionate about education. They are passionate about profit, and
“transform[ing] education globally” is not “in order to improve people’s lives
through learning,” but to improve the bottom line for Pearson’s board and
only real indictment of the Common Core in this picture is that it has enabled
Pearson to streamline their products by giving them a single set of standards
to use as their alignment tools, rather than producing multiple products that
respond to different standards in different states, which has facilitated this
corporate approach to education.
what to do the next time your kid brings home that mountain of homework that
doesn’t make sense to you? After you take a deep breath, ask the teacher what
curriculum package her/his school is using, and whether he/she has much input
into its implementation. There’s a good chance that your child’s teacher is as
frustrated and disempowered as you, and an equally good chance that Pearson is
somewhere in the picture. Then ask the school administration why they chose
that curriculum, and ask for the research that supports their approach. If the
school doesn’t use a scripted curriculum, then ask the teacher the reasoning
behind the assigning of a heavy homework load, and be prepared to challenge
that reasoning by familiarizing yourself with the work of Alfie Kohn here, or the position
taken on Great here,
which notes that, “In fact, for elementary school-age children, there is no
measureable academic advantage to homework.” (You can also point out that a
Canadian couple successfully sued to have their children exempted from all
homework, arguing that there is no compelling evidence that homework helps learning,
as explained in this article.)
bashing the Common Core? That’s not going to help. And it only serves to divert
attention away from the profit-monster that is driving corporate U.S. education
policy. And no, I’m not a raging-socialist-anti-capitalist-commie who is
suggesting that companies shouldn’t make a profit. I’m just an experienced,
informed, concerned educator (and parent) who believes that they shouldn’t do
it by turning children into manufactured products of an educational machine.
Call me crazy....